The Justice Thomas Vacation Club!

Would you like to invite our most social Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, to go on vacation with you? Of course you would! After all, who would not want to spend some quality time with a person who can (and apparently wants to) take away the rights of many millions of Americans! But how does one begin the process? How can you make your wishes known so that Justice Thomas will know of your generosity? We want to help you in this process, in order to bring about a more participatory democracy!

The Justice Thomas Vacation Club is here to help!

Are you nervous or unsure what to write? Are you afraid your good intentions might be misunderstood? Use our helpful form to craft your letter and then the Justice Thomas Vacation Club will send your letter on to the offices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that Justice Thomas will respond to you and accept your invitation. All we have is information about the many trips and vacations that he has accepted from benefactors in the past. But we can make it easy for you to submit your invitation to him and we consider it our civic duty to ensure that as many Americans as possible have access to their Supreme Court. And I am sure that when Justice Thomas went on those yacht trips to islands in the Pacific or to the exclusive hunting club in the Northeast, he was thinking of the many ways this activity would lead to a better nation for us all.

Thank you for your support!